lundi 13 avril 2015

Donald Trump : "Bring it On, Hillary!"

"Bring it on, Hillary!" 
In an astonishing and unbeknownst move to the public, New York icon Donald Trump has officially announced his candidacy for president of the United States. Trump was loudly chanted on by supporters, echoed by his fandom on Twitter.

The Billionaire, high rise luxury builder, hit tv-show producer, and outspoken private citizen is certainly an outsider to Washington. How likely is it that Trump can take on Hillary? He has a well known presence, and is famously remembered for taking on another loud mouthed woman who wears lots of pant suits -- Rosie O'Donnell

Trump said that America needs straightening out. He declared that Obamacare is a scam that benefits only the insurance companies, saying "Obamacare taxes every working American but only covers 16,000,000 Americans with a basic plan covering nearly nothing. Now, I'll tell you another thing. Each basic policy costs $2,300. Obama just gave Iran $50,000,000,000. That 50 billion would cover 21 million Americans!"

Trump also stated that he would be taking another look into foreign policy. Countries with a hostile stance towards the US will get the returned message, where as countries with an amiable stance towards the US will get likewise treated.

"I'm not sure yet"
In response, Hillary Clinton said that she did not know what Donald Trump was referencing because she has not decided if she would run or not for president. This does come a week after her website "Hillary 2016" launched and she signed the lease for her campaign HQ in Washington DC.

We tried to ask Hillary for further comment but she said that she needed to catch a flight to Iowa and had to run.

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