lundi 13 avril 2015

Famous Foreign Aid to Africa NGO President Escapes With Over $3mm

Sertisha Jenkins
Sertisha Jenkins, one of the world's most renown NGO and foreign aid executives, did not show up to work last Thursday.

In the midst of a standard annual audit into her NGO, Children of Africa First, Sertisha had been hardly seen in the office throughout March. Her secretary, Daren Louis, said that Sertisha had few words to say and was receiving lots of packages from Amazon.

"I opened up one of the packages to find a very large black bikini," said Louis, "And then Sertisha grabbed it from my hands saying that she was just shopping for the pool and was not going anywhere. I found it suspicious."

Jenkins built up her company from a collection of neighborhood church charities to an interactive global technology NGO seeking to teach irrigation techniques throughout developing Africa. Sertisha, a very charismatic woman and also a licensed reverend, would speak to communities about the importance of donating to her NGO to bring clean water to African children.

While an estimated $4,500,000 has been raised over her past 20 years in the industry, not one project of water irrigation has actually been completed. Jenkins has had communications with locations in Africa, and has even sent irrigation tools to several villages in the Congo. However, none of the projects actually ever took off. And, although enjoying a tax free status, the current audit had specific questions into her life style.

Auditor Ken Ford stated that several questions posed to Sertisha Jenkins that may have provoked her suspicion are as follows :

"Of the $4.5 Million that your organization has raised, why has only $14,000 been actually invested in Africa in the last 20 years?"
"Are you charging the company to pay your rent on a 4 bedroom penthouse in Manhattan?"
"Why was a 2005 Rolls Royce charges to your tax free NGO as a business expense?"

Right now authorities suspect that Ms Jenkins was laundering the money that she collected as donations. Jenkins was using the money to live lavishly, while enjoying tax exempt status over the last 20 years. It appears that Jenkins has been draining her accounts over the last month, and the FBI has traced at least $3,000,000 to her name being taken out.

It is suspected that this once beloved and respected human rights activist has assumed another identity and has fled the United States to a tropical location.

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