lundi 27 avril 2015

3 Martyrs Spark War in China

The 3 Martyrs

After news of the death camps in China came to fruition, the world became an uproar. The injustice and genocide of Ducks is unacceptable. However, not all were limited to speech against this horror.
Three ducks from Londonistan immediately booked a flight to China. And truly it was immediate, less than 24 hours after the leaked CIQuack footage of the death camps. These three ducks, 2 brothers and 1 friend, went to the center of one of the busiest streets in Shanghai and self-ignited, exploding themselves. 243 Chinese were wounded, and 64 are confirmed dead at this time.

The Chinese government is holding Battaleon responsible. Xi Jiaping, President of China, stated that "It is the business of the Chinese people if they like Peking Duck or Crisy Orange Duck. Battaleon sparked this and China seeks compensation."

Explosion Aftermath
Battaleon has not yet responded for the acts of martyrdom. It is believed that when a group of people target your own, the ducks, it is permitted to kill them. While in Quacbec, these customs are considered more historical, in a more rustic place like Londonistan these traditions are still lived and believed in. Heaven is guaranteed as well in such a circumstance.

Londonistan is currently under the totalitarian rule of Muamar Quackdaffi, whose regime and installation was backed by Donald Duck Un, the semi-deposed former dictator of North Battaland.

The three martyred ducks' remains have not been identified in the location of the explosion and it is suspected they may never be returned home to Londonistan for a proper burial.

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