mardi 24 juin 2014

The Two State Solution

That's right. The two state solution -- and we are not talking about Israel.

Massoud Barzani - Father of Kurdistan
Iraq, war torn and ravished has allowed a people one alternative to fulfill their hope and dream :The Kurdish Homeland.

After the politics of the Iraqi democracy could not hold up against the sword of extremists, crisis returned to Iraq. In fact, the ousting of Saddam made this even inevitable but only prolonged its eventual happening. Iraq is just too diverse.

Iraqis are different. That's because their country borders were designed by a British diplomat and a French one flipping coins and drawing lines. And while many can get along with each other, the differences between some extremists create an atmosphere for catastrophe. While the existing Iraqi democracy grew more and more corrupt over the last eight years, the people became enraged. They were not being represented, and conditions became worse than under Saddam Hussein. For what did they gain from this democracy but more pain and suffering than they had before.

As soon as the United States withdrew, the extremists came forward to bully their oppressors. They clashed on racial, religious and political grounds. And this was just the right amount of fuel for one people to realize the necessity of becoming independent at last.

The Iraqi army can no longer defend Iraq against itself or foreign invaders, like ISIS. So the Kurdish people have taken up arms and are nation building. In surrounding areas, Kurds have been divided, living in Syria, Turkey and Iran. Now they are near a homeland that can take them in, on a land-locked country.

Between the Tigris and Euphrates stands one land and one people, split like the rivers, into two religions. Sunni and Chi3a. This Iraq will remain in name as Iraq. And should not split itself into two more states. Baghdad cannot be separated. The East may be more Chi3a and the West may be more Sunni, but they cannot split up. If they do, they will be easily picked off by ISIS or internal extremist groups affecting the area.The Sunni and Chi3a, left together, will work together to create a more balanced and collective government....unless another Saddam Hussein finds his way to the Palace!

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