lundi 30 juin 2014

ISIS Declares Caliphate

The Middle East is changing. Amid chaos and destruction, the former oppressive governments of Syria and Iraq are falling further away from stabilization. This is nothing new or unexpected, however. This is exactly as Plato's Republic affixes an end to democracy.

A democracy begins with a population seeking representation, and receiving it. But as the population becomes complacent, the government buys up freedoms and liberties from its people. Until the government sits as a tumor upon society, sucking up resources and oppressing the people for no greater goal than to expand itself as an entity and take further control over the people.

At long last, the people will have had enough. They will rise up and even become violent to attain the rights that they demand. They will soon find popular leaders, who stand affront spearheading their ideas. But those people should never be trusted. They themselves only want to become masters of men -- worse than the ignorant and non-sentient government of a democracy. Upon the promise of rights, these dictators come to power, and like a virus that grows stronger upon mutation, the dictator will become harder to topple than before.

Chaos will ensue. The dictators of ISIS in Iraq and Syria will never grow strong enough to rule over the entire country. Their own desires for more will lead to more disorder and chaos. From chaos, however, the people will be forced to educate themselves. With education and understanding of human nature, the people will learn that the only way they can thrive is to work together. To create an independent society of their own, where they will stand united on principles.

This is not an advocate for communism or socialism. In fact, nothing can be a more pure form of failure. In such a system the only winners are big conglomerate businesses and corrupt politicians --which become the entire government. In socialism, the government essentially promises a private company that they will get a personal guarantee for XYZ$ funds for performing a job. Theoretically this is perfect...but the company, now guaranteed payment, has no incentive to follow through with the job or even an incentive to complete it and dedicate resources. Socialism degrades creativity and hinders free thinking. It develops in followers a "why bother" attitude. 

For the Middle East, a land of a thousand and one opinions, democracy cannot work. Socialism cannot bring about happiness for this society. A dictator will only lead to more chaos. Syria and Iraq are too far away from a time where a monarchy would work. For now there is only one solution --and the best solution of all -- the people themselves will need to realize that they have to work together as neighbors to achieve what they want, and leave religion to rule over only within their own sphere of influence.

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