There was more than just one goal at the convention of those thirteen colonies in 1776, and each goal was achieved successfully beyond belief. In a time of tyrants, the representatives of the thirteen colonies dreamed of a nation of free thoughts and fully open to improving a nation of brothers.
On July 4th, 1776, it was announced that these representatives had prepared a message -- in the form of a letter -- and while it was pertinent to their immediate situation, this letter was written as an eternal truth for the rights of man.
These representatives only found support from a third of the citizens of the thirteen colonies. Another third supported the crown, and a final third were neutral. What these representatives did was a remarkable performance of bravery and sacrifice for the greater progress of man's story.
This letter announced that the government of a people should be subject to the peoples' desires and needs. Like a giant functionary committee. Its military should serve to protect and defend its people. And the purpose of this entity should be to make life better for its people.
This letter was the declaration of Independence and was signed in due form by 56 courageous men.
This document established a free land, giving a mission statement for the patriotic men who put their lives on the line. As we know this country was created, 238 years ago, and today we should be proud to represent the product of so long a making.
But we must heed the words of one of the signers, pictured above. Benjamin Franklin said "Those who choose safety over freedom deserve neither and lose both". He is right. As we Americans must realize it is our duty to inform ourselves about the great gifts our country has given to us. And the great fears of blindly listening to things that do not matter. A strong and sturdy economy is much more necessary, which most all Americans agree with, than whether abortions are allowed or not allowed or if the military should use drones or not. Those need to be put aside. We cannot plan how to limit or expand our social platforms until we solidify the economy --the insulation of our very country -- we received the perfect nation building documents in 1776 and again in 1789.
Let us continue in the message of liberty and freedom from the founding fathers, happy 238th!
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