lundi 30 juin 2014

Haneen Meets with British Soldiers

Haneen poses with a soldier
Last night, British soldiers came to a fascinating surprise! At their military base, an Israeli minister of the Parliament (Knesset) arrived in the United Kingdom! She was greeted with open arms. Haneen is on a good will mission among the British people, to stir up international support for herself and her political views.

Haneen was elected first to the Israeli parliament in 2009. She has been outspoken in her views to teach people that "Hamas is a peace-loving organization". Something which the amount of rockets they launch futilely into Israel, and death threats to civilians, logically contradicts.

Haneen on back of a British Soldier
On this fun filled adventure, British soldiers gathered with their surprise guest to go out and have a little summer fun. First stop was a tour of the famous English countryside in which Haneen was so happy to engage in a game of fetch. In fact, in 2004, Haneen joined the International Club of Extreme Fetch (ICEF) which has a championship match every two years across the globe. Last year, an Egyptien named "Collie Baba" won.
Haneen in sunglasses

Next, the British soldiers took Haneen to the beaches of Dover. This is the famous spot where many an air battle was fought in the Second World War. According to Haneen, it is a shame that the British were not wiped out and defeated. "Obviously the actions of the German government were exactly what the British people needed to live a happy life, but the lies of Churchill convinced them against the beloved and gentle Hitler."

One of the soldiers disagreed, stating that the Germans bombed Britain on several occasions, to which Haneen replied "No, no. Those are Zionist rumors and inventions of the United States."

Haneen posing with Batta
Lastly, Haneen joined the soldiers on a duck hunting trip. This was her favorite part of the trip. At the end of the day, the British soldiers in total had taken 8 ducks. However Haneen shot down 12! When asked how she was so talented at the duck shooting, Haneen said  "I pictured each duck as a young child of a different religion than my own, which made it easy to shoot down."

It is unclear when Haneen will return to the UK, however, the British soldiers will not forget their visit with this famous duck hunter!

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