mardi 24 juin 2014

Overthrow the Government? Nope. World Cup Fever

Are you ready for the World Cup SEMI-Finals? That's Right. Round two is coming up, people! And this has been one of the most wild and exciting World Cups EVER!

Local Jihadi Celebrating Colombia vs Ivory Coast (2-1 Colombia)
First of all, 2010 champions, Spain, have been eliminated. Consistently losing every round, until their final match against Australia. But it was too little, too late. They will by flying home in Economy Class. The same with Italy. In an astonishing turn of events, Italy only scored twice the entire first round, losng to both Costa Rica and Uruguay. They will not be moving on. Perhaps they can split the cost of an economy group trip home with the Spanish team?

Brazil and Mexico advance in Group A. Both teams played exceptionally well, especially Mexico's defense. From Group B, Netherlands and Chile will be moving forward. Chile earned their place, fighting hard and truly showing their passions and potential to earn a spot in the second round, alongside the Netherlands which has scored the most points past the keepers of opponents. 

In Group E, France will be moving forward, and the second position is still in the air. Switzerland, Ecuador AND Honduras have a chance to make it. Argentina is moving forward in Group F, and Germany is moving ahead in Group G. The USA, which beat long term rival Ghana, has the chance still to make second place with either a tie or win against Germany. Belgium is moving forward in Group H.

How are the fans taking it so far? Quite vigorously well. Men and women of all ages have taken to the streets to pillage and celebrate welcome and unexpected victories over the previous champions. In Nigeria, after their victory over Iran, celebrations were all over the streets. Boko Haram even took the opportunity to kidnap 300 more women. 

Meanwhile in France, Marine LePen was SO moved by the Algerian win over Korea, she decided todrop her Pro-France platform and is currently seeking Algerian citizenship. However, she has not changed her position on deporting Algerians from France. In fact, she now wants a ticket for deportation herself if Algeria makes it to the Final round!

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