lundi 6 octobre 2014

Mashriq or Maghreb : Who has the Right Time for 3eed

Khanouf Maghreb v. Khanouf Machriq
Without shame, several Egyptian Imams stated that Morocco's celebration of 3eed goes against the calendar laws of Islam.

First, it is very important to explain the reason for Moroccan and Machriq policies on time that started long ago.

In the old times, it took very long for a letter to be transposed from Hejaz to the rest of the Arab and Non-Arab Muslim world. Therefore, the established rule was based on local time and sighting of the proper lunar phase.

Originally, in Morocco, this was the duty and honor of the Alouite Sultan, whose descendants still rule today. The King's family originated in Medina and he was invited to the Maghreb to rule in the proper way for the nation.

The Middle East/North Africa's longest ruling family has established a historical observance of the laws for determining when the new month is. To receive a letter from Hejaz in even the 1800s could take 30 - 60 days.

In Egypt, the ruling family in the late 1800s and early 1900s was foreign. Performances of this task and others was done by the grand mufti. However, since modern times, the Machriq and most other countries have digitalized clocks to follow Hejaz time ---which can be determined the same minute as observed by the clerics of Hejaz.

Morocco has not adopted this custom.

So, there are two schools of thought here. Should all Islamic countries follow the Hejaz Time --as originally prescribed -- or should all Islamic countries rely on local time. Because, technically, if they do not see the moon in the Maghreb, it would be haram to partake in festivities.

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