lundi 6 octobre 2014

Marine LePen : Catalonia Belongs to France!

Catalonia - Proximity to France
While Catalonian nationals are negotiating with the Spanish government for a possible independence procedure, Marine LePen issued a statement.

The famed leader of the Front National Party in France stated that Catalonia belongs to France --and the Catalonians should be petitioning to become part of France instead of collaborating with the Spanish government.
Marine LePen - Catalonia is French

According to Marine, "Any history book can tell you that the last ruler of Catalonia was a Bourbon. The Bourbons are French" she was of course referring to Ferdinand VI and, after the reformation, Alphonse XIII.

Marine then went on to say "Actually, like Algerie and Morocco, Spain is also a French colony and belongs once again to France!"

The biggest surprise is that she's historically correct. The French kings did ascend to the throne of Spain after the Hapsburg King, "Charles the Possessed" died without any heirs. This led to his french cousins coming to power -- in fact, one of the most prominent Spanish Kings, Charles III, actually spoke French before he knew any word in Spanish.

Marine also stated that, after acquiring Catalonia, they will be subject to the hijab ban.

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