lundi 6 octobre 2014

Donald Duck Un - Vanished?!!

News travels slowly out of the mysterious hermit dictatorship of North Battaland. Donald Duck Un, who was last seen outside a theme park on an official holiday ("We love Dear Leader Day - Part 64") and has not been seen since.
Donald Duck Un - Last Seen September 18th 
The CIQuack and other intelligence services say Donald Duck Un missed two important engagements with the state -- including his official chairing of the monthly assembly of parliamentary inquiries. 

Donald Duck Un was also absent from the executions of 3 people that were scheduled to take place this month -- which is one of his favorite activities.

What is more astounding is that two top officials from North Battaland met with Battaleon, in a semi-secret environment, on Friday. 

It seems as though --but possibly too wishful and early to tell-- Donald Duck Un may have been deposed silently. And now some of the top military and political leadership are seeking to open the border with Battaland and begin to re-enter the international community.

After nearly 70 years of Donald Duck's iron fist rule, it is quite possible that Donald Duck Un's succession was in vain. The leadership in North Battaland have long seen the paranoia of Donald Duck plunge billions of dollars into wasteful projects while the country starves off from reality.

Battaleon has refused to comment on the issue, which may be very delicate to execute -- since North Battaland worships Duck Un as a diety and believes their society riddled with diseases, starvation, and pre-1930s technology is utopia. 

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