An anxious group of reporters was called to Versailles early this morning. While gathered in the room, expecting the Quacbecois Minister of Information, out of the central pavilion emerged Battaleon.
North Battaland Chief General |
With him was Yo Jeun Sol, the second in command of North Battaland and Donald Duck Un's chief of the general staff. This is the first time documented that anyone from North Battaland, besides Donald Duck, has left in over 70 years.

Battaleon introduced Yo and explained that nearly a month ago, Donald Duck Un was deposed and sent to a prison camp in the cold woods above Pyongquack "for a taste of his own medicine" as Yo said.
Apparently, the high command was inspired by a movie preview. During the reign of Donald Duck, movies and cinema were forbidden as "corrupt western brainwashing tactics" which is suspected because they portrayed the now deceased billionaire as a laughable figure.
Donald Duck Un allowed for movies to circulate once again in Pyongquack, but only for himself and his top generals. Hollywood, the capital of Umrika, is famous for making the best movies.
On one such night that Donald Duck Un was preparing to watch Scary Movie 5, and one of the movie previews came on called "The Interview". In this film, two Umrikan reporters are invited to interview Donald Duck Un in Pyongquack but are recruited by the CIQuack to kill Donald Duck Un.
Of course, Donald Duck Un was not pleased and made a threatening call to the White House, located in Hollywood, that very night.
The generals, however, were inspired by the film preview. If two Umrikan journalists could enter North Battaland and take down Donald Duck Un....why can't seventeen generals with armies, guns, and access to the dictatot on a 24/24 basis do the same thing?
So they did. And they took out Donald Duck Un and put him into a prison camp.
Battaleon announced that the generals are now in control and slowly sifting things out, with the help of the Quacbecois Empereur, and looking to find a diplomatic solution to open trade and bring North Battaland back into the international community.
It has also been proposed that North Battaland may dissolve.