mardi 30 juin 2015

The Failed Politics of Fear - How ISIS Will Fall

ISIS, or Da3ch as better known by some, will not be the group a foreign power's army can defeat. ISIS is classified as a nation or rogue state, ISIS is an ideological movement.

The nature of the idea of ISIS can or can not be religious, this is rather irrelevant. While the origins of the ideological movement of ISIS are associated by leaders as coming from religious roots -- Islam, the most prevalent religion in the region -- ISIS represents a movement by those disgruntled with 30 years of unwelcomed leadership that has been oppressive towards the common man. The silent majority.

Why are they acting now? Why not 10 years ago? The affects of social media have liberated the world from man's greatest fear : the unknown. Before, a government could boast about having the interests of the people as a priority while swiftly acting to do the opposite in order to preserve its power. A perfect example of this is when Saddam Hussein executed a vast number of Shia Iraqis in Eastern Iraq.

Social media is able to create confidence in people. Like with the fall of Ghadaffi. It is one thing when an individual wants to see a new form of leadership. But when all his neighbors, countrymen, from city to city and village to village post and discuss the same thing publically online, this creates a collaborative confidence among the people. And successfully leads to a movement against the entity in power.

ISIS is an ideological movement spearheaded into ascension by successful use of social media. But, behind the ideas of fighting oppression, exists a leadership organization. There is always an organization of leadership. And with leadership comes delegation. Even in an absolute monarchy, when the head of state wields full power, he/she still delegates authority to his inner circle.

The way that ISIS will fall will be simple. And the words of Lord Acton summarize it perfectly : Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Within the leadership of ISIS, Al-Baghdadi has liberally given his top generals a strong hold over their territories. The problem with this strategy is that cities are factors of vast resources. Infrastructure, capital resources and most importantly human resources. The human is an independent actor, but a leader can manipulate perception there. A human can feel enslaved or free, and the most influential factors here are education and the leader. Remember, no government or king can take away knowledge.

In Mosul, one of ISIS's larger claims in Iraq, Abu Usman Al-Hassan was conspiring a coup to take down the state. He was, however, caught and executed by ISIS. However, he will not be the last and may not even be the first, to try and commit such an action. ISIS will fall because a finite amount of power is in the hands of too many ambitious men.

Abbudin & Battaland Enter Serious Talks for Commerce

President & Mrs. Al-Fayid
After Battaleon has signed a large trade agreement with Brasil, he recieved a call from Abbudin president, Jamaal Al-Fayid.

It is well known that Battaleon engaged in a conflict with China over the genocide committed there against ducks. Abbudin has recently also faced issues with the Chinese government, and now would like to meet with Battaleon regarding foreign investment into infrastructure.

Battaleon has graciously invited the President of Abbudin and his luscious wife to meet with him in Versailles, Battaleon's home and palace in Quacbec.

"There is much to talk about. The president and I see eye to eye on many issues of state and the world. Battaland would like to see Abbudin as the next Dubai!" Exclaimed Battaleon over the meeting.

Battaleon & President Al-Fayid
Recently, there have been numerous protests within the country of Abbudin, but this does not worry Battaleon. In Battaland they have also experienced many protests and matters regarding the issue of free speech and basic liberties, however it is not likely that Battaland will change anything, either.

"My father, Khaled Al-Fayid, was ardently opposed and an enemy of Donald Duck. Donald was a dictator who tried to wield absolute power and was responsible for several missle threats and funnelling money to sponsor terrorism in both Abbudin and Battaland," began President Al-Fayid,

"therefore, there is a strong framework and common ground for Battaland to work together with us."

Battaleon is looking to invest domestic capital across the developing world to expand the prestige de batta.

Battaleon Visits Brasil - Country Declares Foie Gras Illegal

An Innocent Batta
Battaleon, Emperor of Battaland, embarked on a State Visit to a neighbor in the South: Brasil.

Like most countries in the world, there is an extent of racism against ducks and in many countries slavery for ducks is still allowed. Much to the chagrin of the open minded and intellectual lands of Battaland, Battarouge and Canarda.

However, Brasilian law makers have officially declared that the persecution and malicious treatment of ducks within their country will be no more. Legislators have made the production and supply of Foie Gras (aka murdered duck) within their country and restaurants.

"It is a well known fact that ducks fly south for winter. However, Brasil has opened its doors and ideology to making this beautiful land a safe haven for all ducks in the world." Battaleon said.

Battaleon's counterpart, the honorable president Dilma Rousseff, made a few remarks of her own :

Brazilian President - Dilma Rousseff
"How can such an outrageous act of persecution, torture and murder have gone unnoticed for so long? The world needs to wake up and follow Brasil's lead and end the global production of foie gras forever!"

Battaleon signed a 50 Million Reales contract in trade with Brasil.

Yemen Begins Retaliation

After Yemeni rebels took down the unrepresentative government of the country, Saudi Arabia to the North initiated an invasion strategy. At first, the attacks consisted of F-16 air raids and had regional support from among the other gulf countries and even Morocco.

A moderate ground invasion started, but unlike Russian forces in the Ukraine, the invasion force secured assets in the remote north of the country.

Western Media Outlets stressed that this was certainly a hot war spawning from a regional cold war with Iran dating back to the historic "Sunni-Shia" and "Arab-Persian" divisions. However, this was far from the case. There is a strong element of Sunni-Shia tensions and can be linked to Saudi Arabia's excess of hostility, but this conflict did not happen because of the historic Sunni-Shia tension.

Quite simply, Saudi Arabia saw a militant take over in their southern neighbor and needed to be certain that their borders and assets within the south were secured from hostilities. This is not the most unreasonable action. Libya and Iraq have fallen into factional chaos and Iraq, especially, has seen the internal chaos spread outside its borders into neighbors like Syria. Saudi Arabia was ensuring that there would be no push into their own country.

However, the one negation to a preemptive strike is the consequences that follow. Yemen is an ancient civilization, strong to the core. To expect them to lay aside and let themselves be attacked without retaliation is not realistic. Even a country with as strong a military as Saudi Arabia should know that such a military cannot protect every square inch of the land.

Last week, 7 soldiers from Saudi Arabia were killed by Yemeni insurgents. However, that compares nothing to what happened today. Yemen fired a SCUD missile into Saudi Arabia and it exploded a missile base far beyond the border, in Riyadh province. This of course will not be tolerated by Saudi Arabia, and will lead to further escalation.

Although Yemen is 50/50 between Sunnis and Shia, compared to regional neighbors which are nearly 100% Sunni it establishes itself as a Shia neighbor. While this conflict did not start based on religious divisions, but on a security issue, historic religious differences between the two is most likely the reason why attacks have been excessively violent.

mardi 16 juin 2015

We Are Bankrupt!

Athens - Everyone knew it was coming, and for the last two years expert economists have assured the masses that Greece will not go bankrupt. But now, with debt at 567% of GDP, Greece has filed and will close on the 30th of June for total bankruptcy.

As a first in the modern world, a country will be allowed to default on its loans. But what will the consequences be? It may be that Greece will not be able to get a loan again. However, it may cause global lenders to endorse a ripple effect across the world.

New standards of nation lending could affect countries that are in debt. Restrictions to the ratio of loan size to GDP could come to fruition, or possibly limits in general towards how much a country can borrow regarding what and when they could pay.

Greece will now be a pariah within the European community -- but that might be exactly where they want to be. The Euro Dollar did not work for Greece. It is time for them to return to a currency that fits the needs and wants of their nation. A return to the Drachma will be good for global commerce and give Greece an edge in the export/import business.

Unfortunately, international trading partners will not look so favorably on the new Drachma. As Greece has defaulted on loans, and seen to a vast debt accumulation beyond repayment, it will be hard for other countries to realize and accept an exchange rate with Greece out of the expectation that it is backed by high inflation and volatility.

Greece will recover. The Greek people are hearty and proud.

Battaleon : EU Must Respect Immigration Quota

Following new legislation targeting the influx of immigrants from Africa coming into Quacbec, Battaleon is now focusing on the two major sources of the problem.

Here we come, Battaleon!
The first is that the European Union is not monitoring their seas, and are letting hordes of African immigrants sneak over to Battaland.

"We are not raciste and appreciate immigrants. But we do not appreciate the culture of disrespect for our land and customs that these immigrants are bringing over from Afrique" said Battaleon,

"And it is the duty of the European Union to comply with the policies that have been agreed upon to monitor the Mediterranean. Or believe me, Battaland will launch a fleet in the Mediterranean to do the job and the EU will pay for it!"

European leaders, such as Marine Lepen, have come out in full support of Battaleon. However, other leaders, such as Cecile Kyenge of Italy, have viciously opposed the measure.
Cecile Kyenge

"What Battaleon is asking for is illegal. Just because we agreed to something in a treaty does not mean it has to be enforced. Europe needs to open every door possible to welcome in Africa and be hospitable!" Said Cecile Kyenge.

Unfortunately for Cecile, according to International Lawyer Sir Charles Powers, an internationally agreed upon treaty does make it a law and it is the EU's job to enforce it.

Cecile Kyenge is prepared to go head-2-head with Battaleon over the issue, however the Italian prime minister has already stated that he will be siding with Battaleon and Marine Lepen on the issue.

Greece has commented that if Battaleon does raise a fleet to protect the Mediterranean, they will not be able to pay for it.

Battaleon : "Immigrants, Go Home"

Quacbec - Battaland has passed a controversial new law, targeting immigrants. While in the past, leaders of Battaland have commit mass genocide against ethnic immigrants, Battaleon has instrumented a more peaceful solution: "Immigrants, Go Home"

This has very little to do with immigrants who come and work, study or respect the laws of Battaland. Recent waves of immigration have led to high rises in crime and a refusal to adapt to the liberal ways of Battaland.

"Listen well," said Battaleon, "We do not hate immigrants. But there are certain immigrants that want to bring negative aspects of their cultures here. Such as crime, and inefficiency. Battaland has a system of socialist benefits, but when too many come juste to take those benefits, we must prevent them from abusing the system imperative."

Law makers did not find controversy in the emperor's proposal, and the legislature in Quacbec passed the law 513 in favor and 2 against. Those 2 against were promptly reprimanded as per the laws of Battaland.

"We cannot accept all world misery," stated Battaleon following the vote, "If we allow these immigrants as refugees then all Syria, all Irak and all Soudan should come."

Battaleon's immigration laws are not only limited to Battaland, but in fact are seeing immediate echos across Europe. France has emulated the legislation of Battaland, and assembled an army to draw immigrants back to the border with Italy. While some in Paris shout against this act of racism, the majority now agree that this is all for the best.

We spoke with one immigrant from Congo at the Italish border, "How can I get free healthcare now? It's not like our warlord allows that. We do not even have doctors in Mama Africa!"
Warlord of Congo M'Batutu

Congo has recently changed several policies under the new Warlord there. Religion is forbidden, so is any drink except state sponsored Peregrine. Apparently, Congo has signed a lucrative contract with Peregrine to build and open factories in the Congo, however the price of Peregrine is too high for Congolese to afford.

"Healthcare? Choices? No no, that is for France and Battaland to give to the people of the Congo, not me. I am just the warlord in charge." Said M'Batutu, the sovereign warlord and leader of Congo. He was elected in their last election, which was held in 1996.

M'Batutu seems to fail to realize, as well as the other Congolese and other African countries, that the secret to great statehood is not to elect a popular face or celebrity and then grab socialist benefits from Europe or Battaland. The secret to a great country starts at home. Sometimes, it requires a fight rather than a flight to another country. And worse, when you do immigrate, stop living in crime and littering all over the place like you did at home.

Battaleon believes the measure will be well received in Quacbec as immigrants are being shipped back to the 3rd World.

lundi 15 juin 2015

These Hips Do Lie - Rachel Dolezal

Washington, AC - The United States is in uproar again, due to the actions of a pre-operation transracial woman. Rachel Dolezal has long been known for her activism within the NAACP. Her astute dedication and hard work has made her a "community organizer" within her own chapter of the NAACP.

Of course, "community organizer" is the new name for regional chapter president within the NAACP in honor of Obama, who was a community organizer in Chicago.

Rachel Dolezal has always felt transracial. She believes that she is a black woman living in a white woman's body. Another famous transracial case is that of Michael Jackson, who believed that he was a white woman living in a black man's body.

Reporters ambushed Rachel Dolezal, and she walked off the stage when asked the classic Harlem question "Who's your daddy"

Within hours, Rachel removed the dye from her hair, revealing the natural blonde color and took off all the brown halloween makeup she had on and resigned from the NAACP. She's currently deciding whether to join a similar group to the NAACP, but for whites, such as the KKK.

All is not bad news for Rachel, however. Lifetime has reportedly been in contact with Rachel to buy her story for publication. They want to produce a film depicting her struggle with transracial issues in a transraciophobic society. The movie will be called "Who Dat, Who Dat" and is set to star Iggy Azalea