mercredi 6 mai 2015

Marine LePen Reclaims Prague in Millenial "Anschluss"

Marine in Prague
As part of Marine LePen's plan to return France to her former day of glory, the politician has made a special trip to Prague. Prague, and more particularly the Sudetenland, are historically part of the Empire of Charlemagne and were hosted by both Napoleon and the French Resistance in the Second World War.

Marine believes that Prague should allow itself to become a protectorate of New France, and under her regime she will restore to Prague the rights and benefits of French Citizenship.

She has also thought of a new name for the neo-classical city : Frague. "We must combine the rich and cultured histoire of France with the former French city of Prague, We shall call you Frague"

Critics of Marine say that she is not the president of France and therefore should not be issuing edicts to take control of other countries. Marine counters that Frague is not another country but a part of the Empire Francais that has been separated by the German threat.

"The only reason why Frague is not a part of France today is because of Islamic immigration to Europe." Marine commented.

We asked several people in Prague if they were ready to become a part of France, but all were surprised and did not consider the question seriously. "We are Czech. We are not French and do not have plans to be French" said Alice Jostasa, a resident of Prague, "France? We just ended a relationship with Slovakia and are not about to start one with France. We don't even use Euros here!" Said Guaso Clivor, Prague resident.

 Marine will be returning to Paris in a week

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